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“One of the grand old brands in Swedish bicycle history.”
Updated 7.5.2020

Monark, also known as Cykelfabriken Monark AB and Monark AB, is a Swedish bicycle, moped and motor-cycle manufacturer, establish-ed in Varberg, Sweden 1908 by the industrialist Birger Svensson.
In the 1950s, Monark had a successful record in off-road motorcycle competitions.
In 1961, Monark merged with Nymanbolagen, Uppsala, Sweden into Monark-Crescentbolagen or MCB. Monark is today part of Cycleurope, belonging to Grimaldi Industri AB.
1940 Monark film relating to cyclesport.
1980 advertisement
Monark 90320 Super Continental
Owned, restored and photographed by by Johan Ericson. Web site showing process of restoration HERE