Thanks for contributions by Steven Masslan
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Updated 9.12.2021
Taurus (Fabri) established in 1908 by Vittorio Fabri in Vanzaghello, Milan – the first of the larger producers to use special light-weight alloys for frame construction.
“The bicycle factory “Taurus” has German origins, the city that housed the production, Nuremberg is present in the full name: “Taurus – Nürberg” that appears, until the early 30’s, the brands of enameled metal placed on (the handlebars). In Following the assembly of bicycles is under license in Milan with (German) material. In this period we can see again the presence of cursive writing “Taurus” embossed on the front tube (later replaced by a normal decal). Later, the company became completely as the Italian bicycle production, keeping, however, a high level of components, such as hubs (by) FB, rear gear changers and front hub dynamo hub by Sturmey Archer, etc.”
Paul Zucchini in www.bicidepoca.com
Taurus Cicli Srl
Contemporary company:
Via Giuseppe Verdi 1, Vanzaghello 20020 Milan, Italy
Taurus Cicli Srl
of today’s Taurus factory
Courtesy varesenews.it