
Gabriele Chesini

Was: 3 Via Francia, Verona
Now: 8 Via S. Paolo, Verona

+39 045 803 0459

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Updated 9.20.2020

Young amateur Adriano Zamboni, with his Chesini, wearing the jersey of Sport Club Verona Montoriese

1983 catalog

(Click to see a scan of the entire catalog)
Close up views of pantographed components
The Chesini workshop circa 1980s

1981 Chesini Area

Pictures courtesy Toni Theilmeier

Model Arena with Campagnolo 50th Anniv group

(pictures courtesy Carlos Saldes)

Peter Oerter's 2 Chesini bicycles;

the road model from an earlier era and a new pista, made in the classic style.

(pictures courtesy Peter Oerter)

Road racing model