

Special thanks to Carsten Rehbein, Barum, Germany

Updated 5.31.2011    Click on images for larger view.

Dürkopp was a highly respected supplier of top quality bicycles and componentry ranging from the turn of the Century until the late 1950s. A multifaceted company, it also produced motorcycles, scooters, automobiles, arms, heavy machine tools and is still a major manufacturer of industrial and homeowner sewing machines.

Posters from the early days (Sellwood Cycle web site)

Owned by Carsten Rehbein.

1952 Dürkopp MD motorcycle and Dürkopp Diana scooter.

Model 167 Friedensfahrt circa 1962.

Dürkopp components from that catalog.

Dürkopp Model "Sieger der Deutschlandfahrt 1937"

Special thanks to Carsten Rehbein, Barum, Germany!

Dürkopp bicycle on display at the Velo Rendezvous, Pasadena, CA 2001