Ouellette Peter

Peter Ouellette, custom bicycles

Making custom bikes from 1978 into the 1990s.

Former location: 42 Baldwin Street, East Longmeadow, MA

Updated 2.20.2018

Peter Ouellette built a total of about 200 frames, including stock and custom.
Serial numbers decode as follows, using Bill Kloos’ # 0622044 as an example:

– Built in the 6th month, June (first two digits)
– Finished on the 22nd of that month (second two digits)
– Was sequentially the 44st frame done in entire production (last 3 digits)

(The year of fabrication is not included in the SN.)

Thanks to Bill Kloos

Business card


Peter at work in his studio

Kevin White with "Nuclear Ride" tandem

A tall frame( 65 cm +?)

Bill Kloos' #0622044

completed on June 22, 1983.

Ouellette bicycle serial #1022096.

Bike was completed on Oct 22, and was the 96th bike Peter finished. Mid 1980s?

Pictures courtesy Michael Becker

A bicycle Peter Ouellette built for himself

(Note; on the right side it is blue, on the left, green. Pictures courtesy eBay seller, 'acehooligan')

Built in the mid 1980's, during Peter Ouellette's tenure at Columbia Manufacturing, this is one of the last bicycles built before permanent closure of Ouellette Cycles' East Longmeadow, MA shop. Built for Ouellette's personal use, this bicycle was not serialized.

Columbia "Classic" made by Peter Ouellette