J. B. Brooks & Co. Ltd., Birmingham

1940 advertisement

1933 Champion

Pictures courtesy eBay seller stvo978

1936 B-16 with aluminum alloy undercarriage

"I believe they were only produced from 1933-35. Mine was on a 1936 RRA that I purchased." Karl Kimbel, Klunk Bicycles and Repair, Columbia, MO

Brooks B-17 1951 Cycling Magazine ad

The webmaster's 1930s B17

Model "Sprinter" (circa 1940s-50s?)

Model B-47

Model B-57, circa 1952

Pre-1955 B-17 “Special”
Brooks B-15 Swallow

An older, yet NOS, Swallow and a newer version at Interbike 2003

Late 1990's production Brooks B17 special edition the earlier style.

More goodies displayed at Interbike '03

Late 1990s production tan B-17 saddle... And Proofide treatment (old style can)