
Emiliano Freschi

Piazza Gramsci, Milano

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Updated 11.17.2019

– The ‘FF’ incorporated in the logo represents Francesco Freschi, Emiliano’s father.
– According to Emiliano’s son in the forum, “The number under the bottom bracket was progressive ” i.e., serial numbers are sequential.

“Emiliano Freschi had been chief engineer and builder for Sante Pogliaghi before going out on his own.” Cyclart

Barbara Kelly’s report when visiting Freschi in 1979, indicates he left Pogliaghi in about 1969. HERE

1980 Bikeology catalog

Courtesy Dave Martinez

Catalog circa 1985

Courtesy Andrea Bonfanti

Freschi Super Chromo circa 1980

Courtesy Mike Short.

Freschi Supreme

Courtesy Ben Butler

Freschi road

Courtesy eBay seller g-57cm

Freschi with accessories

Courtesy George McNeil

Freschi circa 1983

Courtesy Antonio Torino

Freschi Pista

Courtesy Mike Wente